Michael Persall Selected as EY Entrepreneur Of The Year Semifinalist
EY announces Michael Persall, Executive Chairman of ABP Capital, affiliates, and First National Bank of Southern California, as an EY Entrepreneur Of The Year® 2016 San Diego semifinalist
San Diego, CA – April 8, 2016 – EY today announced that Michael Persall, Executive Chairman of ABP Capital, affiliates, and First National Bank of Southern California is a semifinalist for the EY Entrepreneur Of The Year® 2016 San Diego Award. Now celebrating its 30th year, the awards program recognizes entrepreneurs in over 145 cities and 60 countries who demonstrate excellence and extraordinary success in such areas as innovation, financial performance and personal commitment to their businesses and communities. Mr. Persall was selected as a semifinalist by a panel of independent judges. Finalists will be announced Wednesday, May 25, and winners will be announced at a formal Awards Gala on Monday, June 20, with more than 500 Founders, CEOs and other business leaders in attendance, at the Fairmont Grand Del Mar, California.
“I am honored to be nominated for such an esteemed award.” said Mr. Persall, “Our companies are truly changing the private finance and banking environments using a flexible, real-time decision making approach to promote efficiency in order to securely fulfill our clients’ financing needs.”
Regional award winners are eligible for consideration for the EY Entrepreneur Of The Year National Awards. Award winners in several national categories, as well as the overall national award winner, will be announced at the EY Entrepreneur Of The Year National Awards gala in Palm Springs, California, on November 19, 2016. The awards gala is the culminating event of the EY Strategic Growth Forum®, the nation’s most prestigious gathering of high-growth, market-leading companies.
Learn more about Mr. Persall’s journey as an EY Entrepreneur Of The Year semifinalistby following ABP Capital and First National Bank of Southern California online.
Follow all the latest program developments @EY_EOYUS using #EOYSD and visit the San Diego regional website for more information: www.ey.com/us/eoy/sandiego.
About ABP Capital, LLC.
ABP Capital and its affiliates are industry leading companies specializing in real estate, banking, private equity, and lending. The companies were formed with a vision to deploy over 150 years of combined experience in a variety of industries and foster a top-tier team that would grow into a leading financial services firm. The firms feature expertise, flexibility, certainty and timely execution on investments ranging from $1 million to $100 million and higher in certain circumstances.
About First National Bank of Southern California
Originally founded in 1981, First National Bank of Southern California is a federally insured business bank headquartered in Riverside, CA. Since acquisition by three local investors in 2014, the bank has invested in an operating platform to allow for efficiencies and enhanced customer offerings contributing to loan and depositor growth, developed a customer oriented culture, and met clients’ needs through understanding the customer, direct access to management and immediate responses from the banking team.
With offices currently located in Riverside, Lake San Marcos, and Carlsbad, along with a strong online presence, First National Bank of Southern California offers a complete range of banking services and takes great pride in providing excellent customer service that only a focused institution can offer. The success achieved in 2014 and into 2015, combined with excellent asset quality and a strong capital position has the bank positioned to build its banking franchise and ensure our customers have a solid partner so they can “focus on their business, not their banking.”
About EY Entrepreneur Of The Year®
EY Entrepreneur Of The Year is the world’s most prestigious business award for entrepreneurs. The unique award makes a difference through the way it encourages entrepreneurial activity among those with potential and recognizes the contribution of people who inspire others with their vision, leadership and achievement. As the first and only truly global award of its kind, Entrepreneur Of The Year celebrates those who are building and leading successful, growing and dynamic businesses, recognizing them through regional, national and global awards programs in more than 145 cities in more than 60 countries.
About EY’s Strategic Growth Markets practice
EY’s Strategic Growth Markets (SGM) practice guides leading high-growth companies. Our multidisciplinary teams of elite professionals provide perspective and advice to help our clients accelerate market leadership. SGM delivers assurance, tax, transactions and advisory services to thousands of companies spanning all industries. EY is the undisputed leader in taking companies public, advising key government agencies on the issues impacting high-growth companies and convening the experts who shape the business climate. For more information, please visit us at ey.com/us/strategicgrowthmarkets, or follow news on Twitter @EY_Growth.
About EY
EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a critical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities.
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